Asbury Church is an independent church located in Petal, MS. We meet every Sunday morning for worship at 8:00 and 10:40 am. We offer an adult Equipping Class, and Children's Sunday School at 9:30 am. Wednesdays are for Next Gen and include activities for children and youth at 6:00 pm. Dinner is served at 5:30 pm.
At Asbury we are Growing in Truth and Grace so we can be Salt & Light. We do this by Living in the Word, being Constant in Prayer, Serving Sacrificially & Discipling Families.
You belong here!
Click on our Connect Card button (below) to help us know you better, and to sign up for ways to serve and participate in the life of Asbury Church
NOW ON FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE! If you can't attend church in person, please go to OR to access our Sunday morning worship service at 10:40 am.
Brian Hinnant, Lead Pastor
This week, Brian continues our sermon series, titled "Disciple." Scripture for Sunday, January 19th, will include John 19:38-42 and John 3:1-14.
NEW BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE! Our Equipping Hour meets every Sunday @ 9:30 am. Pick up Jesus In Us at the Welcome Center. Cost is $15. You can also download the Life Along the Way app on your Android or iPhone.
WEDNESDAYS ARE FOR NEXT GEN! On Wednesday nights, we will be focusing on building up the Next Generation of Christ followers in our kids' and youth ministries. Youth worship and kids' activities will all begin at 6:00 pm. Dinner served @ 5:30 pm.
THREE NEW BOOK STUDIES Starting THIS WEDNESDAY, January 22, join us as we dive into two new studies for moms & dads: Mama Bear Apologetics with Leslie Beaton, and The Intentional Father with Brian Hinnant. Starting January 29, join Brenda Wlikerson for the Disciple Fast Track study that begins with the Old Testament. All three studies will meet on Wednesday nights @ 6:00 pm. Click below to sign up!
We have lots of CORE GROUPS that are active and ready for you to join! If you would like to be a member of a Core Group, or if you'd like to be a facilitator/host, please follow the links below to get started. Core Groups will connect you to other Asbury members where you can go deeper with questions pulled from each Sunday's sermon. You can share a meal or snack, meet in someone's home, at a restaurant, or possibly at the church (depending on availability).
Sign up today at!
OUR TEXTING SERVICE is the BEST way to keep up with everything Asbury! You'll receive a weekly text with a link to all Asbury events and info. You can even fill our CONNECT CARD and get plugged in all from your phone!
KID'S CHECK-IN We check kids in and out of church each Sunday and Wednesday. Come a few minutes early to register your child(ren) and check them in. Then, after church, a parent must pick each child up in the children's building or nursery. This process is for our kids ages birth to 4th grade. Help us keep your kiddos safe during worship!
Also please fill out information about your child(ren) online at
OUR GIVING STATION is located at the back of the Sanctuary. If you are tithing by cash or check, it is a secure place to leave your offering on Sunday mornings.
If you'd like to tithe online, we offer secure giving there, too! Go to to sign up for online giving via credit card. You can also text to give by texting any dollar amount (e.g. $25) to 601-300-6337. Or you can set up a draft through your banking institution.
Any amount you give to the church is greatly appreciated and helps us be the hands and feet of Jesus!
SUN — John 19:38-42 and John 3:1-14
MON — Luke 17:20-21
TUES — Mark 12:41-44
WED — Psalm 145
THURS — Matthew 5:1-12
FRI — Deuteronomy 30:11-14
SAT — Hebrews 12:18-29
8:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE (Sanctuary)
9:30 am Equipping Hour (Youth Building)
10:40 am WORSHIP SERVICE (Sanctuary)
5:30 pm Family Dinner
6:00 pm Youth Worship & Small Groups
6:00 pm Children's Activities
6:00 pm Adult Book Studies